MorariBapu has been saying the Ram Katha from the age of 20 and he...
Year: 2020
MirraAlfassa was the disciple of Sri Aurobindo and she was the one who founded...
Santmat was the creed to be followed by sants or sages to attain peace....
Meera also known Mirabai was known for complete and undaunted love for Lord Krishna....
Hatha Yoga is one of the paths to reach the supreme godhood, the others...
Mata Amritanandamayi says, “A continuous stream of love flows from me to all of...
“BhriktaRahitaTaraka Raja Yoga” also known as ‘Electronic Yoga’ was a yoga that could neutralise...
Dattatreya is considered to be an avatar of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Many saints...
MahavatarBabaji is believed to be alive and giving his vision to devotees who sincerely...
Transcendental Meditation, a practice of mantra meditation twice a day, was developed by Maharishi...