October 22, 2024

Vibhishana is the Raja or King of Lanka in Ramayana, the legendary epic. He is also called Bibhishana or Vibhisana. The Puranas state that he attained the throne after his Ravana, his elder brother’s death. Ravana was the Rakshasa King of Lanka. Vibhishana has also been ruler during Yudhishthira’s time. He was born in Lanka. Sarama is his consort. His parents were Kaikesi (mother) and Sage Vishrava (father).

Vibhishana was himself a Rakshasa but in terms of character, he was a noble one. When his brother Ravana kidnapped Sita, he advised him to return her back to Rama (her husband) in a prompt and orderly manner. However Ravana did not listen to him. The angry Vibhishana left his elder brother Ravana and became a part of Rama’s army. In the war, Ravana got defeated by Rama, after which Vibhishana was crowned King and Rama left for Ayodhya.

Vibhishana is known to have a satvik heart and pure mind. He spent lots of time in meditating God’s name right from childhood. Lord Brahma was so pleased with him that he granted Vibhishana what he desired. He fulfilled his wish of giving him a pure mind (fixed at the feet of the Lord) as pure as lotus leaves. Vibhishana then joined Rama (the incarnation of God) giving up his family and wealth.

Vibhishana always considered himself to be a Brahmin and lived a pious and alert life, although he belonged to the demon race. He provided Rama with the invaluable secrets about Lanka, during the Lanka War.