Shri Swami Samarth who was a constantly travelling sage, especially in the initial stages reached Rameshwaram in South India and sat under a tree there. A Brahmin who was staying nearby had this strong intuition that the sage sitting under the tree was a man of incarnation. He felt close to Swamiji and brought him some food from the temple and Swamiji happily ate part of the offerings. The Brahmin brought food every day for Swamiji to eat and he always ate only part of the offering. One day the Brahmin prayed to Swamiji to bless him with a son.
The Real Guru
Swamiji said that a son will be born to him and that son will depart from him. Swamiji asked the man to go and left the place. The man kept offering Swamiji food under the tree even when he was not there. In the meantime the wife of the Brahman man gave birth to a son and the Brahman used to keep the food. But he was surprised to see that the food was eaten by somebody else even when Swamiji was not around. One day the Brahman went to the Rameshwaram temple and was shocked to see Swamiji sitting in the place of the deity with all the splendour.
It was real experience for the Brahman and he started asking his son to come inside the temple to witness the wonderful experience. He wanted his son to come and have a darshan of Swamiji. The son refused to come inside to have the darshan and was afraid. The Brahman forcibly brought the son inside and the son started screaming loudly and as it is was happening he just fell dead in the temple itself, right in front of Swamiji. But in the place of the son there was a dreadful body. The husband and wife started crying and were telling Swamiji that the boy was born because of the blessings from Swamiji and how can he fall dead like a leaf.
Liberation for the Devil
Swamiji told him that the son will leave was told before itself. The food offerings made by the Brahmin was eaten by the devil and the same devil has born as a son to you. The devil was liberated and Swamiji asked him to cremate the devils body and apply the Bhasm, which he gave, on the body of the devil. The Brahmin started praying and Swamiji blessed him with a son. The couple offered devotional service to Swamiji till the end.