Buddha is a male Indian deity. When he was an ordinary boy he was known as Siddharta or Gautama. He went out in search to know about the meaning of life. He sat below the Bhodhi tree to meditate after which he realized the Ultimate Truth to become the Enlightened One, the Buddha. With a smiling face this God, maintains his peace. His air of blissful relaxation and smiling benign features are sure to have a calming and beneficial influence on anyone.
Buddha’s revelation has been exported, imported and carried to different parts of the world. As Buddhism travelled, it began diversifying more. It is known to have many schools, branches, systems and paths.
Buddha has been, has gone and has returned again more times than people know. Buddhists find this vastly influential figure popping up in many other religions and is known to be a Japanese, Tibetan, Chinese or just about any other East Asian nationality. However when he comes back on the KALKI, the Horse of Doom form then it is sure that it should be the End of the Universe.
Anyone who has attained enlightenment to the fullest is referred to the historical Buddha Shakyamuni. Buddha is the ‘Awakened One’, free from all mental obstructions and faults and is awakened from the sleep of ignorance. He is directly and simultaneously aware of everything of the past, present and future. His great compassion is impartial and without discrimination he embraces all living beings. All living beings including the lowliest of animals develop virtuous and peaceful states of mind on receiving blessings of the Buddha.