In Hinduism, Hayagriva is the horse-headed avatar of Lord Vishnu. Hayagriva is spelled as...
Hiranyaksha means the Hiranyanetra – ‘Golden Eyed’. As stated in Hindu mythology, this oppressive...
Hiranyakasipu is a demon and Hiranyaksha’s twin brother. Lord Vishnu’s avatar killed Hiranyaksha, the...
Hiranyakashipu is known as ‘Clothed In Gold’ or ‘The One Who Is Fond Of...
Hariti is known as the Indian Children’s Goddess and the Buddhist Protector of Children....
Hara is a Sanskrit name for the deity Lord Shiva. The name comes from...
Ayyappan is a popular warrior deity in Kerala. Ayyappan is a syncretic deity and...
Avatars mean the descent, manifestation, appearance or the coming down of deities on earth....