Narayanaprasaddaji Swami was a renowned swami of the Swaminarayana Sampradaya and was also known...
Swami Vivekananda had called Kerala a ‘lunatic asylum’ ridden with caste prejudices. Narayana Guru...
Narayan Maharaj is revered as a great saint in the country and he was...
Lord Dattatreya is believed to be the confluence of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He...
Varkari is one who performs the Wari which is a long pilgrimage taken to...
Siddha Yoga, founded by Muktananda, has its tenets from the eastern philosophy especially Vedanta,...
The devotees of Mother Meera think she is the incarnation of Shakthi or Devi,...
MorariBapu has been saying the Ram Katha from the age of 20 and he...
MirraAlfassa was the disciple of Sri Aurobindo and she was the one who founded...
Santmat was the creed to be followed by sants or sages to attain peace....