Ramakrishna Paramhansa also called as Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa Ramkrisno Poromohongso was a great philosopher,...
Paramahansa Yogananda was originally known as Mukunda Lal Ghosh. He was born in a...
Nimbarkara was a philosopher born in Paithan, in East Maharashtra. Jayanti Devi and Aruna...
Neem Karoli Baba was a guru avatar of Lord Hanuman and a great saint....
Mata Amritanandamayi, Ma Amritapuri or Sudhamani is the hugging saint. She was born on...
Madhavacharya was born around 760 years ago, in Pajaka, near Udipi (Karnataka) in the...
(Lola, Im unable to add any more info. If you could help. Thankyou) Krsna...
Sri Ananda Thirtha was born near Udipi in Karnataka. During his childhood he was...
Swami Jayatiirtha was popular advocate of the Tattvavada of the Dwaita philosophy, besides which...
Jiddu Krishnamurthy also called as J.Krishnamurthy was a great philosopher, writer and public speaker...