January 30, 2025
Devaki, The Divine Mother of Lord Krishna

Devaki in Hinduism is the daughter of Devak. Her father was Devak, brother is Kamsa and her spouse is Vasudeva. Her children were Balarama, Krishna and Subhadra. In the Mahabharata, a war broke out between Somadatta and Sini when her Swayamvara was taking place. The two clans got engaged in the feud for almost a generation. Devaki was abducted by Sini, for his friend named Vasudeva. Also Vasudeva was married to her sisters.

When the marriage ceremony took place, the newlyweds were escorted by Kamsa to Mathura in a chariot. During this time, a heavenly voice announced that Devaki’s eighth child would be the cause of his death. The angry Kamsa tries killing Devaki but is Vasudeva obstructs him and makes a promise that each child she delivers will be delivered by him to Kamsa. Kansa imprisoned Vasudeva and Devaki after which he killed her six sons while the 7th child was a miscarried and was transferred to the womb of Rohini. Later Krishna was born to her and Vasudeva exchanged him Yashoda’s daughter named Ekanamasha. When Kamsa hurled her on a rock she transforms into a goddess with eight arms and disappears into the heavens. After Kamsa died, Vasudeva’s and Devaki’s imprisonment ended.

She requested Krishna to restore to her her own children, a request he acceded. After she nursed them with her milk they attained heaven. In the Yadu massacre, Vasudeva died. She cremated herself on the pyre of her husband along with his other wives Madira, Bhadra and Rohini. A unique temple has been dedicated to Devaki in Goa in Maharashtra.