Dharani is the Hindu River Goddess and an avatar of Goddess Lakshmi. Dharani is mentioned in Puranic texts and epics as consort of Parasurama. She is a goddess of minor importance. Wealth, luck, beginnings and abundance are the themes of goddess Dharani. Seedlings, filled baskets, rice and the sacred plant called basil are her important symbols. She is a luck bringing, wealth providing and an abundant aspect of goddess Lakshmi. As per Indian Hindu mythology, this goddess of spirituality brings in abundant prosperity when storehouses become scant. She is portrayed as a goddess with a basket overflowing with seedlings or rice.
The festival of lights, Diwali is celebrated in India at the beginning of the new Hindu year where goddess Dharani is venerated with hopes of beginning the New Year with a really great start. The sacred Basil leaf water is used to wash clothing, floors, pets, shoes, cars etc. to rid off any bad luck lingering on self. Water of the sacred herb Basil is known to banish any kind of energy not approved by Goddess Dharani.
Candles carved with personal emblems of good-luck are lit to release the good fortune magic of goddess Dharani. People offer baskets filled with rice cakes to passer-by for the goddess to bring prosperity to people and share wealth. Dharani is a collective name for a group of deities, in Buddhism. Dharani is known for her immense power to bear and her Bhoodevi form.