March 9, 2025

GaurakisoraDasaBabaji was a great devotee of ChiatanyaMahaprabhu and was well known. SrilaPrabhupada considered Babaji as his guru for he was responsible for removing the ego, that he was a truly a great scholar, in SrilaPrabhuda.


GaurakisoraDasaBabaji was born on 17th November 1838 into a humblefamily of merchants in a village of Vagyana, now in Bangladesh. He was named Vamsidasa. He was married off early and he looked after the business till he was twenty nine. His wife died and then he left the householder’s life and took initiation from SrilaBhagavatDasaBabaji who was the disciple of SrilaJagananathaDasaBabaji. He travelled in the villages of Vrindavan doing the worship all alone for nearly thirty years. In March 1984 he moved to NavadvipaDhama from VrindavanDhama and remained there till  his death or disappearance day. All through his life of renunciation he did not display even a trace of attachment to worldly pursuits. He would only wear a loin cloth. He could see through people’s pretence of renunciation and would talk to them in such a way that they would never approach him again. He would sometimes remain undressed, hold a knotted cloth in his hand and utter some sounds which were never understood. He was a very different sanayasi of the GaudiyaVaishnava order. On November 17th 1915 GaurakisoraDasaBabaji attained the feet of the Lord. There were many who wanted a claim over Babaji. But one of his disciples Srila Bhakti Siddhanta said “If anyone here has not had illicit sexual connection within one year, six months, three months, one month, or at least within the last three days, then he may touch the divine form of SrilaGaurakisora. Otherwise he will be completely devestated.” All the babaji’s left one by one and the last rites were done by people who were really pure in thought word and action. Later due to flooding of Ganges the samadhisthal was moved to the Mayapur Ashram.

Philosophy Propounded

GaudiyaVaishanavism was the philosophy he spread amongst the people. But he would not accept even a trace of material attachment in people who claimed to be the devotees of the Lord. There are many instances where impostors came in front of him and were sent off with a stinging speech and a good lesson in life.

Work Done to Spread the Philosophy

GaurakisoraDasaBabaji was a solitary worshipper and was also known as ‘bhajanandi’. He did not believe in organising anything to spread the love for the Lord. In fact he discouraged people who approached him to be president of spiritual conferences asking them to seek lord and not bother about others. All who approached him were advised to renounce everything and as a token he would offer a loin cloth to them.