March 9, 2025

GurumayiChidvilasananda became the successor of Swami Muktananda whose guru BhagawanNityananada established the Siddha Yoga Path.


GurumayiChidvilasananda was born on June 24th 1955 in Mangalore and was called MaltiShetty. She was the first child and had a sister and two brothers. Her parents were devotees of Swami Muktananda. Her parents took her to Swami Muktananda’s ashram at Ganeshpuri when she was five years old. The family used to spend the weekends in the ashram. Malti’s initiation into the yoga happened she was fourteen years old. She later moved into the ashram for full time learning and service. When she turned twenty her guru Swami Muktananda made her his official translator, to translate his talks for the English audience. She travelled along with him on his world tours. On May 3rd 1982 Swami Muktananda initiated MaltiShetty to the order of Sanyasi and gave her the name Swami Chidvilasananda. He then announced her as his successor along with her brother who also had become a sanyasi and was called Swami Nityananda. Swami Muktananda died in October 1982 and the brother and sister were managing the organization. In 1985 Swami Nityananda resigned his post and gave Swami Chidvilasananda the complete rights to manage the organization. Since then she has been continuing the work her guru Swami Muktananda had begun.

Philosophy Propounded

The philosophy of the Siddha Yoga Path is to master the body and senses. The first step towards this is spiritual initiation known as ‘shaktipatdiksha’. With guidance from the master and steady perseverance of the student the divinity within and in the world is recognised by the ones who have been initiated.

Work Done to Spread the Philosophy

GurumayiChidvilasanandaji gives lectures across the world and she gives the ‘shaktipatdiksha’ for the seekers amongst her followers. She has written nine books on Siddha yoga, three books for children and three books on poetry. There are recording of her chants that are very popular. The main project of the organization is the PRASAD project that began in 1992. This is an NGO which makes people self-reliant, and dignified.Free dental and eye camps are conducted. For the guidance and help extended Chidvilasananda is fondly called Gurumayi.