March 7, 2025

Hans JiMaharaj was married twice and had four children and yet was considered a spiritual guru smashing the concept that only sanyasins can be gurus.


Hans JiMaharaj was born as Hans Ram Singh Rawat on 9th November 1900 in Gadh-ki-Sedhia in Uttarkhand. His parents were Ranjit Singh and Kalindi. Hans’ mother died when he was eight and he was taken care by his aunt. Even a youngster he visited many holy places and holy men and he was disenchanted with the ways of the world. He was drawn to the AryaSamaj movement that was working towards the removal of caste prejudice and idolatry. Hans Ji landed in Lahore in search of work and this was the time he came in contact with Swami Swarupanand who belonged to the Advait Mattin Guna. Han Ji learnt the techniques of knowledge from his Swami Swarupanand whom he had accepted as his guru. After three years of tutelage, in 1926, he asked Hans Ji to spread the teachings to others. For the next ten years Hans Ji travelled North India and taught the techniques of knowledge. He grew to become the favourite disciple of Swami Swarupanand. Hans Ji married SinduriDevi and had a daughter Savitri. After the mahasamadhi of his guru in 1936, Hansji could not become his successor of the Advait Matt as he had taken to a householder’s life. Hans Ji had some devoted followers and with them he went away and continued the work of his teacher. He went around the country giving talks and soon his popularity grew. In 1944 he bought a house on the banks of Ganges and named it “Prem Nagar’. This was to house his students. His guru had prophesised that he would have a son who would carry on his work. But his wife Sinduri Devi was unable to conceive and deliver, so he married again. His new wife was Rajeshwari Devi who later became a huge support in running the organisation. In this marriage he had three sons and the last son Prem Pal Rawat became his successor after his death on 19th July 1966 in Delhi.

Philosophy Propounded

Hans JiMaharaj believed that the principles of all religions are one and that peace is indivisible which can be attained by all who are sincere in their pursuits. He also advocated equality for all people as followed by the AryaSamaj.

Work Done to Spread the Philosophy

From the beginning of his spiritual journey Hans JiMahahraj had been giving lectures travelling all over the country, especially in northern India. In 1951 he started a monthly magazine called the Hansadesh and in 1960 he registered his organization called the Divine Light Mission. In due course the attendance in his gatherings increased and ashrams were opened in many places including South Africa. After his death the organisation spread to many other countries. Hans JiMaharaj was fondly known by names like Yogiraj, Sadgurudev, Guru Maharaji, to name a few.