January 23, 2025

Many Gods and Goddesses are worshipped by the Hindus. They also worship the Brahman who they consider to be a Supreme Deity force that is present in all things. Some of the most important Hindu Gods are:

  • Brahma : The Hindu creator god who created all living things and created the world
  • Vishnu : The Hindu God who protects and preserves the Universe.
  • Shiva :  The Hindu God who destroys the universe so that it can be recreated again.
  • Krishna :  The Hindu God of love, tenderness and compassion
  • Saraswati : The Hindu Goddess of learning
  • Lakshmi : The Hindu Goddess of purity and wealth.
  • Devi :  The Hindu Goddess who fights to restore Dharma.

According to the diverse traditions of Hinduism, the epithets and terms for Hindu Gods include Bhagavan, Deva, Ishvari, Ishvara, Devi and Bhagavati. Right from the Vedic era (2nd millennium B.C) through the Medieval Era (1st millennium AD), various Hindu Gods have evolved regionally across diverse traditions of Hinduism and in India besides some other Asian nations. A lot of variations are seen in the concept of Hindu Gods in Hinduism, right from a personal deity, to 33 Vedic gods and up to hundreds of minor gods. Each of the deities has complex and distinct personalities and is often seen as aspects of the Brahman (the Ultimate Reality).  Hindus also cherish the idea of equivalence as far as Hindu Gods are concerned. Accordingly the concept of half male and half female gods features in sculptures, temples and myths in India, thus declaring that both deities are the same.