Jambavan is a character found popularly in the story of Bhagwan Vishnu, Lord Rama’s avatar on Earth as human. He is also known as Jambavanta, The King of Bears and the King of the Rikshas (Bears) – Riksharaj. Earlier Rikshas have been described as Vanaras however have been described as bears in later versions of Ramayana. Brahma created the Rikshas to help Rama in his fight against Ravana.
In Indian epic tradition, he is a sloth bear or an Asian black bear. In other scriptures he is also depicted as a monkey. Except for Brahma his father, he is immortal to all. Indian scriptures also describe him as Kapishreshtha (Foremost amongst the monkeys) and other epithets given to the Vanaras.
At the time, the ocean was being churned, Jambavan was present. While obtaining the 3 worlds from Mahabali, it is believed that he circled Vamana 7 times.
As per beliefs Jambavan was King of the Himalayas in his previous life. In order to serve Rama he came incarnated as a bear. Rama granted him a boon of strength of 10 million lions and a long life.
Jambavan along with Hanuman and Parasuram is believed to be one of the few who became an avatar for both Krishna and Ram.
He was witness to the Vaman avatar and Kurma avatar at the time of being present for the churning of the ocean. Amongst the chiranjivis, Jambavan is the longest lived one and has witnessed around 9 avatars.