March 9, 2025

JidduKrishnamurti was groomed to become a messiah by the Theosophical Society. But he broke that image and his connection with the Theosophical Society. However he grew to become a teacher who did influence many world leaders with his philosophy.


Krishnamurti was born on May 11th 1895 (the date is contested) in Madanapalle in Andhra Pradesh to JidduNarayaniah and Sanjeevamma, a Brahmin couple. Krishnamurti was very fond of his mother; unfortunately she died when he was ten. He had eleven siblings of whom only six survived. As a young boy Krishnamurti was an unhealthy boy who did not do well in school as well. He was beaten by his teachers and his father. All his childhood experiences – his health, beatings, death of his siblings and mother – led him take refuge in nature, which remained with him till the end of his life. After retirement, Krishnamurti’s father got employment with Theosophical Society at Adayar and the family was given quarters to stay. It was during this period that Charles Webster Leadbeater noticed the aura around Krishanmurti and from then on all in the Theosophical Society worked to make Krishnamurti the messiah who would bring about the evolution of mankind. The guardianship of Krishnamurti and his brother Nitya was given to Annie Besant. They were tutored by many people and taken to different parts of the world and Order of the Star in the East(OSE) was formed by the Theosophical Society to project Krishnamurti as the messiah. During one such trips to Ojai in California both the brothers were free of Theosophical Society authority and Krishnamurti began his journey inwards without any obligations to anyone. His journey inwards was termed as ‘the process’. Soon he dissolved the OSE and disassociated himself from the Theosophical Society. From then till his death he was a teacher who taught and consciously avoided any organisation being formed in his name. He died on 17th February 1986 in Ojai; he was suffering from pancreatic cancer.

Philosophy Propounded

JidduKrishnamurti did not believe in organised religion. He insisted all were equal in taking the journey inward. If he was sitting on a platform it was only for a better view and not that he was any better than the audience. He insisted that ‘we’ are in this together. ”Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; nor should any organization be formed to lead or coerce people along a particular path.”  ”I desire to free him from all cages, from all fears, and not to found religions, new sects, nor to establish new theories and new philosophies.”

Work Done to Spread the Philosophy

Though Jiddukrishnamurti did not want any organisation in his name, towards the end of his life Krishnmurti Foundation Trust was formed in 1982. This organisation runs schools in India and abroad. He had written many books which are in demand even today. JidduKrishnamurti did not appoint any successor but there are many followers who carry his philosophy forward.