March 9, 2025

Nayanars were the devotees of Lord Shiva who lived in the 5th and 6th century and were the reason for the resurgence of Bhakti, devotion. There were three women saints in the pantheon of 63 saints and KaraikkalAmmaiyar is one of them.


KarikalAmmaiyar was born as Punitavati to Dharmadathan and Dhanalakshmi who were devotees of Lord Shiva. The exact date is not known but she is said to have lived in the sixth century. Her father was a wealthy merchant and a virtuous person. From her childhood, Punitavati chanted the name of Lord and was completely devoted to Shiva. She was a very beautiful girl and loved by her parents. She was married off to Paramadattan, also a wealthy merchant. Since the father loved his daughter so much he did not want her to go far away. So he ensured that his daughter and son-in-law also stayed in Karaikkal. She was a dutiful wife who like her parents indulged in generous acts.One day Paramadattan sent two mangoes to be had during mealtime. At that time a devotee of Shiva came to the house asking for alms. Punitavati gave one mango to that man. When Paramadattan came home she served the remaining mango. He liked it and then asked for the other one. Puntivati did not know what to do and prayed to the Lord. Suddenly a mango appeared in her hand. She offered it happily to her husband. When he tasted it he was taken aback because it was exceptionally sweet. He was sure that she had got this mango from elsewhere and wanted to know the truth. Mustering all her courage she told him what had happened. He did not believe the story and asked her to replicate it. Once again she prayed and a mango appeared in her hand again but it disappeared the moment her husband touched it. Paramadattan was stunned. He realised that his wife was no ordinary woman and felt it was sinful to treat her as his wife. He began calling her ‘ammaiyar’ which means mother and that name stuck. On the pretext of trade he went away and settled in another city in the Pandiyan kingdom. He married another girl and had daughter from that marriage and named that child Punitavati. When his first wife Punitavati knew about this she prayed she should lose her beauty and true to her wish she turned into an ugly woman. People were terrified to come near her. There is a story that she was took a pilgrimage to Kailash but thought it sacrilege to place her foot in that holy place. So she went round the mountain on her head; some say she travelled on her hands. The details of her death are also not known.

Philosophy Propounded

KaraikalAmmaiyar knew nothing other than her love for Lord Shiva.

Work Done to Spread the Philosophy

KaraikkālAmmaiyār’sworksMūtta-tirup-patikañkal, Tiru-irattaimanimālai and Arputat-tiru-vantāti is found in the sacred book of the Nayanars, “Tirumurai”.