Laksmi is is the Hindu Goddess of love, fortune, wealth and spiritual and material prosperity. She is a deity resplendent as the sun, as radiant as gold, lustrous as fire, as calm as the moon and who is the mistress of horses and cows. Lord Vishnu is her husband. This embodiment of beauty is Lord Vishnu’s active energy or source of strength. In Hinduism the Hindu way of life is Dharma, Kama, Artha And Moksha. These four goals of human are represented by her four hands. Many Jain monuments have representations of Goddess Laksmi.
She is also called the goddess of auspiciousness, power, fertility, luxury and power. This maternal and whimsical Goddess Laksmi always has her arms raised to grant and bless and promises contentment and fulfillment.
She is depicted in the most beautiful form, bedecked with gems, pearls, lotuses, ornaments in gold, surrounded by elephants, wearing a red saree, holding a pot in her hand, seated on a lotus and seated on a chariot. Many Hindu business establishments and homes are adorned with the image of goddess Laksmi.
She is called by the sacred name ‘Shri’ which since Vedic times is the sacred sound of cosmic abundance and auspiciousness and evokes authority, grace, affluence and grace as well. Before addressing a revered individual, God, a holy person or teacher, the word ‘Shri’ is spoken or written on the top of many documents. An aura of holiness is established when this word is written or spoken. Goddess Laksmi has been seen in all cultures since ancient times.