March 7, 2025

“BhriktaRahitaTaraka Raja Yoga” also known as ‘Electronic Yoga’ was a yoga that could neutralise your past karmas and liberate the soul. Master C V V was the one who framed this new technique.


Master C V V was born to KuppuswamyIyengar and Kamamma on 4th August 1868 at Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu. It was a Brahmin family that he was born into and was named CanchupatiVenkataRaoVenkatasamiRao. After his upanayanam (sacred thread ceremony) he was given in adoption to his father’s sister SrimathiKanchupatiSubbamma. It was under her care that he grew up and got educated. He did his basic education in Kumbakonam and higher education in Srirangam. He was proficient in English, Sanskrit, Tamil and Telugu. He was a Vedic scholar and extremely good singer. At the age of 12 he married Rukmini and had three sons and a daughter. But his wife died in 1904, so he was married again to Venkamma and had three daughters and a son in this marriage. As he was a proficient and efficient Master C V V served as the Chairman of KumbakonamMunicipal Council for a while. He was asocial reformer as well and he taught a life of ‘all-round development’. After years of impelling people into the spiritual path, he left his body on 12th May 1922 as he had predicted.

Philosophy Propounded

Master C V V was the founder of the new system of Yoga called “BhriktaRahitaTaraka Raja Yoga” which has its base in the traditional Yoga. In the traditional Yoga the first chakra is at the end of spine and then the awakening happens as the crown chakra opens. In the Yoga system founded by Master C V V the first step was the opening of the crown chakra and the positive energy flowing out of it is directed to other parts.

Work Done to Spread the Philosophy

Master C V V had many disciples who spread this yoga across the world. He has been able to cure people of their diseases and other problems apart from uplifting people spiritually. Chanting of ‘Om’ and ‘Namaskarams Master C V V‘ were the mantras all the devotees followed. The organisation following the teachings of Master C V V is called World Teacher Trust.