January 23, 2025

Mata Amritanandamayi says, “A continuous stream of love flows from me to all of creation. This is my inborn nature.” She expresses her love by hugging her devotees who come to her.


Mata Amritanandamayi was born into a fishermen family and was the third child of Sugunanandan and Damayanti. She was born as SudhamaniIdamannel in 27th September 1953 in Kollam district, Kerala. As a young girl she used to spend a lot of time by the seashore meditating and singing the songs of the Lord. The fishermen folks were not very wealthy as was Sudhamani’s family but she went out to help all those who needed help. The irony was her family did not have enough yet she would give food and clothes to others whose needs were more. She was scolded and criticised for this but she kept on, undaunted. Even as young girl she began hugging people in trouble and in India for a young girl to touch men let alone hugging was a taboo. One can imagine the shock of the people watching it. But Mata Amritanandamayi was not bothered and she would say “I don’t see if it is a man or a woman. I don’t see anyone different from my own self.” People who received her hugs were comforted and felt blessed and these people began calling her “Amma”. Today she is “Amma” for the world.

Philosophy Propounded

Advaita Vedanta is the philosophy is the philosophy that she speaks about but it is soaked in devotion as well. Not for her the icy cold detachment or staying away from people. Her approach was to take in the troubles of the people. She believed in the Karma theory but she would ask,“If it is one man’s karma to suffer, isn’t it our dharma (duty) to help ease his suffering and pain?”

Work Done to Spread the Philosophy

Needless to say, her hugs to alleviate the troubles of the people is what shot her to fame. She hugs people for so many hours at a stretch that is humanly impossible. Till the last person who comes for darshan she sits and there is no ebb in her enthusiasm and love. In these gatherings she sings bhajans and she also addresses the people. Her devotees have grown in number and are spread all over the world. The organization started by her devotees, Mata Amritanandamayi Math has many schools, colleges and hospitals under its wings. Vedantic courses are conducted for devotees aspiring to renounce the worldly affairs. The number of charitable activities and projects is huge and is growing. Her teachings are pointers for good life but the pointer to her life is these words from her, “Love is the very foundation, beauty and fulfilment of life. If we dive deep enough into ourselves, we will find that the one thread of universal love ties all beings together. As this awareness dawns within us, peace alone will reign.”