March 9, 2025

Hatha Yoga is one of the paths to reach the supreme godhood, the others being Karma Yoga (path of action), Bhakthi Yoga (Path of devotion s) and Gnana Yoga (path of knowledge). Hatha Yoga uses the body and the breath to realize the supreme.


The exact date of Matsyendranathliving on this earth is not known but he is believed to have lived between the 7th and 12th century. Most believe that he must have lived in the early 10th century. There are so many different stories on how he was born but most of them have are related to fish and thereby the name Matsyendranath. The claim to his place of birth is also many, like West Bengal, Nepal, Karnataka and Assam. As there is nothing definite known there are many stories around Matsyendranath. One story goes that he was swallowed by a fish and deep in the ocean Lord Shiva was telling the secrets of Yoga to Parvati, his consort. It is said she fell asleep but Matsyendranath heard it all and practised inside the belly of the fish and emerged out of the fish after 12 years. Another story is that Lord Shiva himself created Matsyendranath. A little different story is that a fishermen couple saw this child come out of an egg and named him the lord of fish, Matsyendranath. But he did not develop any love for fishing; he would throw fish back into the water. When his father scolded him for this, he is said to have left for Badrinath where he did penance for 12 years. There Lord Shiva and Lord Datta imparted all the siddhis and yoga to him. Matsyendranath is also seen in the Buddhist pantheon of saints and is considered to be the incarnation of Avalokitesvara, a compassionate form of Buddha.

Philosophy Propounded

Hatha Yoga as seen in the present day form was revived by Matsyendranath. Modern Hath Yoga has been modified but the basic tenets remain the same. He is also known as the founder of NathSampradya and KaulaShaivism which was a tradition of rituals for Goddess Shakthi.

Work Done to Spread the Philosophy

Matsyendranath taught Yoga to many people but the main person who took it forward was another saint Gorakhnath whose love for his guru was bordering on madness. Over the years Matsyendranath tempered him down and made him the fit disciple to carry on his work.Matsyendranathis said to have composed“Kaulajñānanirnāya” (Discussion of the Knowledge Pertaining to the Kaula Tradition)”Akula-Viratantra”, and the “Matsyendrasamhita”.