March 9, 2025

The devotees of Mother Meera think she is the incarnation of Shakthi or Devi, the Divine mother.


Mother Meera was born as Kamala Reddy on December 26th 1960 at Chandepally, a village in Telengana. Her father was Veera Reddy and mother was Antamma. At the age of six she is believed to have sat in Samadhi for a day. It was her uncle Bulgur Venkat Reddy who noticed the divinity when he met her. She was twelve years then. He took good care of her and allowed her to progress in her spiritual path. In 1974, he took her to Sri Aurobindo Ashram. She met many westerners there and gave darshan. In 1979 she was invited to Canada for the first time. With her uncle she went to Germany in 1981 and records say she married a German in 1982. She settled in Germany and gives darshan mostly in Schloss Schaumburg in Balduinstein. She also visits US often.

Philosophy Propounded

Mother Meera refers to Sri Aurobindo and Mother’s works. But otherwise she does not claim to be following any tradition. She believes in the unity of all religions. Her devotees come from various religions and she accepts them and gives her thoughts based on the religion they follow. She says there may be many forms of god but the power is one.

Work Done to Spread the Philosophy

Mother Meera’s devotees have organized together and call themselves as Mother Meera’s Team. Mother Meera gives darshan and is silent most of the time. In her darshan, people go to her individually and she touches their head and then looks into their eyes for a little while. She acknowledges that she understands the person’s problems and gives them the light-force from the Paramatma. She does not give lectures but is seen answering questions of her devotees. There is no fee collected for the darshans. When asked whether she is an avatar she refuted it and said she was only a part of god.