January 30, 2025

Narada is called the Vedic Sage Narada. He is the Messenger of Gods, a travelling storyteller and musician and spreads around enlightening wisdom and news. Astronomy, pronunciation, religious rites, grammar, terms and prosody are the 6 Angas mastered by Narada.

Narada’s name is mentioned in various Hindu texts, in the Puranas and especially in the Mahabharata in which he narrates the Ramayana to Yudhisthira as part of cautioning Ravan. As per Hindu mythology, God made a decision that matters had to be set right on earth and had to descend on earth. Along with him a number of lesser Gods also descended including Narada. Narada received the boon of past, present, future and knowledge. However his knowledge became an obstacle in designs made by God. Hence Narada was cursed by God that people would never believe him even if he told the truth and warned people.

Narada carries a musical instrument called the Tambura and the Khartal and travels to distant realms and worlds, as per Indian texts. Narada uses the musical instruments while he sings different mantras, prayers and hymns. In some of humorous stories, Narada is depicted as both mischievous and wise. He is also depicted by Vaishnav enthusiasts as an elevated and pure soul who sings devotional songs with names like Narayana and Hari to glorify Lord Vishnu. Attributed to him is the Narada Bhakti Narayana in which while making an entry and appearing on the scene, he chants, Narayana, Narayana. During the pre 6th century, the Naradasmrti and Narada Purana were the other juridical texts dedicated in his name.