March 9, 2025

In Hindu mythology Lord Shiva who resides in Kailasha has many assistants in different forms. They are known as Ganas. The leaders of these Ganas are called Ganadheeshwara.NayakanahattiThipperudraSwamy is believed to the incarnation of Ganadheeshwara.


The oral history of the place says that NayakanahattiThipperudraSwamyjust descended to the world. It is believed he had come from Kailasha. He had come with five other saints and each of them had a role to play in different parts of the country. In Nishadapura, in Chittradurgadistrict of Karnataka NayakanahattiThipperudraSwamy took his incarnation. The name of village was changed from Nishadapura to Nayakanahatti because of this sage. Oral folklore says that another incarnation of Ganadeehswara Sri KempaiahSwamy had forgotten his purpose in this life and was enamoured by the worldly life. NayakanahattiThipperudraSwamy wanted to remind him the purpose of his incarnation. NayakanahattiThipperudraSwamy’sname was Rudraswamy. He began to sit on a mound of cow dung and refuse and meditate oblivious to the smell around him. Sri Kempaiah used to see this person sitting on this foul-smelling mound and was astonished. One day he walked up to Rudraswamy and asked him how he managed to sit there. Then he opened his eyes and gave the vision to Kempaiah. He told him that even though he was sitting on that mound he refused the smell to enter him and continued with the purpose of life, which was meditating upon Shiva. This answer shook Kempaiah and he realised who he was and the purpose of his visit to the earth. Mound of refuse and cow dung is called “thippe” in Kannada and then Rudraswamy became ThipperudraSwamy. When he moved to Nishadapura, the place came to be known as NayakanaHatti meaning ‘the leader’s place’. So now he is known as NayakanahattiThipperudraSwamy. There are many miracles of NayakanahattiThipperudraSwamythat people speak of. He is believed to have gone into JeevaSamadhi, he was buried alive.

Philosophy Propounded

Worship of Lord Shiva was the philosophy propounded. He stressed equally on the philosophy that ‘work is worship’ and that ‘reward will be as per your work’.

Work Done to Spread the Philosophy

NayakanahattiThipperudraSwamy’s miracles and social reforms are still remembered. There are three temples in this township and a temple car festival is organized every year. He is revered by the Hindus and Muslims in Nayakanahatti.