Siddhartha Gautama is known as ‘The Awakened One’ – the one who has awakened...
Gautama Maharishi in Hinduism was a Rigvedic Sage. He is mentioned in many Sanskrit...
Goddess Gauri is called the Goddess of austerity and purity. She is Goddess Parvati’s...
Garuda, a bird-like creature resembling a falcon or kite is a legendary bird that...
Ganga is called the Goddess of Purification, Goddess of Purity or Goddess of the...
Lord Ganesha is a supreme Hindu deity called by numerous names like Vinayaka, Ganpati,...
In the Hindu pantheon, one of the most worshipped, most revered, most loved and...
Gandharva is a term used for distinct human beings in Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism....
Dhara is a Hindu male God and an attendant of Lord Indra. Dhara is...
Dhanvantari is the God of Ayurveda. He is an avatar of Lord Vishnu and...