Ratri is a Vedic goddess and is linked with the night. She is called the ‘Goddess of Night’, ‘Guardian of Night’ or the ‘Hindu Night-time Goddess’. This Hindu goddess is the sister of Ushas and her task is to keep a watch over everything so that the person gets peaceful and sound sleep. Surya is her consort and her siblings are Chandra, Nidra and Ushas. Ratri is kind of a night nurse goddess.
She is depicted as a beautiful maiden in a star studded black coat. Ratri is referred to as a strengthener of vital power and a powerful mother. Her abode is heaven. The Atharvaveda and Rigveda have a number of references of Ratri. She is associated with Surya in the Atharvaveda and with Satya, Rta, Indra and Ushas in the Rigveda. Ratri is mentioned in Sutra and Brahmanas literature, a number of times. Cyclic rhythmic patterns of the cosmos in which light and darkness follow each other, are represented by her. Ratri is thought to be a presence of power.
Devotees worship this Hindu deity for safety, comfort and protection during night time and rest to all other creatures. This immortal and eulogized figure is worshipped for lighting up darkness. Ratri and her Usha her sister together in connection, are known as mothers. Ratri deposits the morning dew, is considered the preserver of law and order. The goddess is known to have several attributes of Hindu deities like longevity, many mystical powers, resistance to injury and superhuman strength. On the other hand, a bleaker aspect of her is indicated as one who brings bareness and gloom.