March 9, 2025

Saktassura also called as Sakatasura is called the cart demon. He is believed to carry the burden of a cart-load of new and bad habits, vanity and lethargy. Sakatassura is connected with Lord Krishna. He was a ghost who had sheltered himself under a handcart and was seeking a chance to play mischief with Lord Krishna. Krishna with his delicate and small legs kicked the cart and immediately, Sakatassura was pushed downwards to the earth leading to dismantling of his shelter.

As per Hindu mythology, Krishna was kept under a household handcart. However the handcart proved to be another form of a demon named Sakatassura who had come there with the purpose of killing the child. However Krishna pleaded that he wanted to drink his mother’s milk, seized the opportunity to kill Sakatassura and kicked the cart-shaped demon. In the process of attracting his mother’s attention, Krishna had enjoyed many pastimes.

Krishna’s mother Yashoda would sing and poetize all the activities of Krishna as a child, while she churned the butter. She would sing about his activities like killing the cart demon Sakatassura, Putana, Trnavarta and Aghasura in the form of poetry. This way she remained conscious about Krishna, all through 24 hours of the day.

As described in the Srimad Bhagavatam, Kamsa, the evil uncle of Krishna had sent Sakatassura, a demon in the form of a large sakata (a handcart) to kill baby Krishna. But when Krishna kicks the cart, it is destroyed and so is the demon Sakatassura. All the small metallic vessels fall and get scattered all over when Krishna kicks the cart.