March 9, 2025

Sant Dariya Saheb was an advocator of non-violence, monism, had faith in the Guru, vegetarianism and friendship between the Hindus and Muslims. He lived in Rohtas District at the place where he was born, for a major part of his life. He was born in the year 1679, during the time when the British were integrating their gains and the Mughal Empire was on the path of decline.

At the age of twenty, Sant Dariya Saheb attained enlightenment. He started preaching against false doctrines, polytheism and ritualism. He counseled people to  find God (Satnam) by controlling their minds and in the process attain ‘Amarpur’ (the Abode of immortality). He was a strong believer of the truth of self realization, the oneness of the Lor and the possibility of Union or Nirvan with the Lord. Sant Dariya Sahbe has composed a number of verses called ‘Sabad’.

At that time the society was in turmoil due to absence of a strong central government. Local rulers ruled the public as per their own whims and fancies resulting in immense suffering and turmoil amongst the people. In the West, the Maratha power was ascending. People everywhere were facing moral degradation and were on the search of a savior. Sant Dariya Saheb arrived on the scene as savior.

It is believed that the Supreme Lord ‘Anadipurush’ sent Sant Dariya to save people from their miseries and sorrows. On many occasions the orthodox sects opposed but he went ahead determined, preached brotherhood and presented the path of salvation to the world. He was against killing of living beings and thus preached non-violence. He was of the belief that it is not possible for someone to proceed on the path of realization of God unless and until, Karuna (kindness) does not illuminate in the heart.