March 15, 2025

Shri Swami Samarth have been showering blessing on his disciple and hundred of the disciples have miraculous experience about him even today. Swamiji is the second incarnation of Lord Dattatreya after Shri Narasimha Saraswati. Swamiji has travelled to many parts of the country and have visited many holy places and blessed lakhs of people. Swamiji did innumerable leelas (miracles) till he attained Mahasamadhi in 1878. Swamiji, even after his Mahasamadhi is still living in the hearts of thousands of devotees. Swamiji keeps appearing in the physical form and through dreams and provide answers to their problems.
Swamiji appeared in his full physical form after his Mahasamadhi on the third day to his ardent devotee Shri Balappa Maharaj. Swamiji after appearing on the third day conveyed to Shri Balappa that he will be ever living for the benefits of his devotees. He also told Shri Balappa to see him in his Padukas (Sandals) and do regular pooja as it was done for him. Swamiji conveyed His message to Balappa Maharaj and through him to the whole world that He is always near each one of us and do not have to be afraid. Swamiji was always there for anyone who totally surrendered to Him.

After the Mahasamdhi, Swamiji appeared again after 5 days with his devotees and on a Palanquin on the outskirts of a village in Nilgaon and blessed his devotee Shri Bhau Saheb. Bhau Saheb who was a devotee of Swamiji, at that time was not aware that Swamiji had attained Mahasamadhi. Swamiji, even after hundreds of years is still living and giving Darshan and answering the payers of the true devotees. Swamiji still lives through his followers and strong devotees and anybody who prays to Him with the heart soul is bound to get help from him, be it materialistic or spiritualistic.
The Real Asset
For the true devotee of Swamiji, the real asset is the Swami Himself and if one has the blessings of this great soul that person need not worry about anything in this worldly life and even after death. His is because Swamiji is present everywhere and will be with the devotee forever. Swami has provided many help to his devotees and offered gold, silver, money to his devotees indirectly through snakes, sand, bones etc. Swamiji has given life back to human beings and animals after their death. No matter it was human beings or animals Swamiji is there to help them.