March 14, 2025

Shri Swami Samarth-Feet Capable of Liberating

Shri Swami Samarth was a great soul who respected sincerity and disliked pretence. There was a noted Vedanta philosopher named Matebuva. He was highly respected philosopher who gave discourses to clarify the tough topic of Vedanta philosophy. He was an ardent devotee of Swamiji and Swamiji also held him in high respect. Once there was a Bhagavat Saptaha conducted by Matebuva and Swamiji attended the discourse throughout and it was a special and unique event since Swamiji was attending it fully. During the course of the discourse Matebuva asked the audience “Whose feet are capable of taking us across this ocean of worldly life towards liberation?”

Desire to See Shri Dattatreya

Swamiji immediately lowered his right foot and Matebuva overcome by emotion and love ran to Swamiji and held his foot to his heart. He held the foot and said loudly, “Really these are the feet which are capable of liberating”. Swamiji then lowered his other foot also which his disciple Balappa held. Swamiji was a great soul and disciples are lucky to have a great soul like Him as their teacher. A Sanyasi who was a dedicated devotee of Shri Dattatreya was there in Akkalkot. He had this deep desire to see Shri Dattatreya and Swamiji realising that changed his form to that of Lord Dattatreya. The Sanyasi was excited to see the effulgent form and was emotionally charged. He closed his eyes and opened it to see Swami Samarth standing with a pleasant smile in front of him.

Swamiji had many Muslim devotees andone of them was a seargent in the Akkalkot police department. Swamiji was once sitting in Mr. Deshmukh’s house and Vamanbuwas was sitting and tuning his veena getting ready for the bhajans. The sevekaris were sitting around and that was when Sayyad arrived from Hyderabad to have a darshan of Swamiji. The policeman asked the people sitting near the door where the Akkalkot swami was. Swamiji overheard this and said that the swami is sitting on ———- (Swamiji often used bad words it seems). He continued saying Swamiji is in Akkalkot and why he was looking for Swamiji in that place. Sayyad was stunned these words and fell unconscious and remained in a trance for some time.

Protector of Poor

Sayyad opened his eyes after sometime and tears of love and happiness started flowing from his eyes. He bowed in the Muslim fstyle and told “Oh Swami Maharaj, protector of the poor, you are God. I have read Koran and know my religion well and I have read many other religious books also. For many years I have been striving hard in religious practices but have not experienced anything till now. When I saw Maharaj today, I could feel the energy of empathy and could see Maharaj in my mind. My life has been fulfilled and I am your servant. Oh Maharaj, order me to do whatever your want”. He gave the offerings to Swamiji and stayed in Akkalkot for few days and went back home happily.