Shri Swami Samarth’s teaching havetaught many people different lessons. The teachings were simple but the impact it had on a person was tremendous. Janabai was women from the Shudra caste and was a deep devotee of Vithoda of Pandharpur. She made it a point to visit Pandharpur on Ashadh Ekadashi day to have a darshan of Vithoba and bow to the God. Ashadh Ekadasi is the day on which all Vithoba devotees visit Pandharpur. The trip is called “Vari” and the person who takes the trip is called a Varkari. Reaching Pandharpur was not easy those days as there were no buses and other means of transport.
Risky Trip
There was not a single place where one could get food and the weather was unpredictable. It was risky to take a trip to Pandharpur but the devotion made the devotees forget all the problems en route. The devotees used to sing Vithoba’s name and walk towards the destination. One year when there was heavy rains and floods and Janabhai could not make it Pandharpur to meet Vidhoba. She could digest the fact that she will not be able to pray to Vidhoba that year and she started crying. While she was crying she saw a flash of light and saw Swamiji sitting under a tree braving the rain.
Janabhai felt relieved and went near Him. Swamiji understanding her problem told her that Vithal is everywhere and not only at Pandharpur. Swamiji gave her spiritual advice and the power and control to see Vithal within her. To her surprise she started seeing Vithal everywhere and when she closed and opened her eyes, she saw Swamiji standing before her with hands on the waist like Vithoba. Swamiji taught her the reality that the body is Pandharpur and the Soul residing in it is Vithal. Janabhai realized the formless Brahman through the teaching of Swamiji. One has to become deeply devoted to God as Janabhai and it is the vibrations that help you reach the Guru and God and not bhajans without any feelings.
Spiritual Benefits
Swamiji used to give spiritual benefits for the deserved people. There was poor Muslim man in Mangalwedhe who used to roam around like a madman and he survived only by begging. He became a sincere devotee of Swamiji and used to fill Swamiji’s pipe with tobacco and make it ready to smoke. This man used to serve Swamiji in many ways whenever He came to the town. One day Swamiji out of sympathy kept his hand on the head of this Muslim man and passed on spiritual knowledge to him. He became a spiritual man of high realization and was oblivious to the personal effects or behaviour. This man looked like deranged person externally but internally he was engrossed in the bliss of Brahman.