March 12, 2025

Shri Swami Samarth explains the spiritual union with God called Sahajsamadhi where one is constantly and spontaneously connected with the divine bliss. Sahajsamadhi can be accomplished by chanting the sanctifying name or mantra and it is accomplished by the grace of the God. It has to be chanted in rhythm or tune of the breath. When one is born, the breath is automatically imposed on the person. One has to understand the rhythm of the breath and spontaneously interlink it with the divine name to arrive at that inexpressible heavenly state.

Constant Connection to God

Swamiji wants everyone to achieve that heavenly state with constant connection with the God. Swamiji freely conferred this on the worthy devotees by arousing the person’s elemental energy called the Kundalini. The devoted follower will be able to achieve this and enjoy the nectar of spirituality even while they are performing the other worldly responsibilities. Swamiji in this approach is advising the devotee not get involved too much on the spiritual activities by forgetting the worldly duties. Swamiji takes over the worldly comfort and security of the devotees who have surrendered to Him. Swamiji had many disciples who were endowed the bliss of sahajsamadhi while performing worldly duties.

Shri Swami Samarth arrived in this world for a mission. You have to believe a saint or a God realised person and respect them. You have to surrender you ego and should accept whatever comes your way. Swamiji advises his devotees not to hurt anybody verbally, physically and mentally and love the God unconditionally. God is the power behind all the deeds and you have to take refuge in devotional meditation and services. When you become matured through the spiritual studies the kundalini energy will be ready to exceed “Adyna Chakra”. Swamiji says that God exists in every seen and unseen thing in the world and everybody should read scriptures composed by the great seers. All the spiritual masters are great and learn as much as possible from everyone you come across.

Achieve Self- Realisation

Swamiji teaches that self realisation can be achieved only when it is actually practised. Just by reading you will not self realisation. Never misuse the spiritual powers gained by showing miracles. Swamiji advises his disciples to maintain purity of mind like how you maintain the sanctity of the body. Swamiji wants his devotees to be sincere in what they do and earn their livelihood through hard and sincere efforts. As a devotee you should serve with the devotion to the ultimate master and for all religions the faith is the same.