March 14, 2025

Shri Swami Samarth is one of the greatest Spirirutal Gurus from the guru tradition of the Dattatreya sampradaya. Swamiji is the incarnation of Lord Shri Dattatreya. Swamiji stayed at Ganagapur in Karnatak State of South India for a long time before leaving for the Kadali forest to perform penance. The early life of Swamiji is covered with mystery and there is no clear idea about his birth and early childhood. For the Swamiji’s devotees it does not matter because He continues to bless them and guide in time of difficulty. The earlier incarnation of Swamiji is Shri Narasimha Saraswati and He is turn was the incarnation of Lord Dattatreya.

Before Swami Samarth

Shri Narasimha Saraswati helped and spiritually uplifted many people during his physical presence in the world and later went to the Himalayas for penance and went into Samadhi while in penance. He remained in the Samadhi state for 300 years and an anthill formed around him over a period of time and the outside world forgot about him. It was by accident that a woodcutter’s axe fell on the anthill and the woodcutter was surprised to see blood stains on the axe. The woodcutter curious to know the reason cleared the anthill to find the Yogi in meditation. Yogi slowly opened his eyes and cheered up the shocked woodcutter.

It was the will of the Divine force for Him to re-appear in the world to resume His mission. The new role of the Yogi was known as Swami Samarth. Swamiji before settling in Akkalkot travelled far and wide and during his vist to the Himalayas he visited places like Benares, Puri, Haridwar, Girnar, Kathiawad and Rameshwaram. Swamiji stayed in a place called Mangalvedha near Solapur, Maharashtra. This place was famous because saints like Domolipant and Chokhamela had stayed there. Swmiji came to Akkalkot in the year 1856 and stayed there for 22 years spiritually guiding the devotees.

Enlighting the Devotees

Swamiji had his ashram on the outskirts of the Akkalkot town and staying there he enlightened many of his disciples like Shree Dev Mamledar, Shree Balappa Maharaj, Shree Cholappa Maharaj, Shree Nrusimha Saraswati Maharaj of Alandi, Shree Ramanand Beedkar Maharaj of Pune and many more. It was on the Chaitra Vady Trayodashoi of the Hindu year 1800 Swamiji announced that the time to go out of his physical existence has arrived. This was on April 30 1878 as per the English calendar. Swamiji told his devotees that he will be present and respond to every call of his devotees and adopted Mahasamadhi under the famous Banyan tree where he used to spend most of his time in Akkalkot.