March 12, 2025

Sri Swami Samarth was also known as Akkalkot Swami Maharaj attained Mahasamadhi in 1878. He was an Indian saint widely respected in India as well in other parts of the world. He was believed to have lived in the 19th century AD and is accounted as one of the three successive reincarnations of Guru Dattatreya. Swamiji’s teachings are well received by the people of the world and many of his devotees considered him as the God himself. Swamiji believed and taught that bookish knowledge alone is not enough for self- realisation. He asked his disciples to try and put the acquired knowledge into practice.

Throw Away Pride

Swamiji was of the opinion that they should listen to and follow saints. He asked his disciples to throw away pride and worship God and chant his name. He wanted his disciples to be satisfied what they have and preached that God resides in every human being. He was against hurting animals or any living creature. Swamiji considered Mind as an enormous power station and in order to make it strong and stay away from bad habits he advised his disciples to chant. He was one of the great spiritual souls and it is good to follow the advice of the Swamiji to lead a better life.


Swamiji some of the noticeable qualities were patience, tenderness and truth. Even though he had knowledge of everything he never interfered in the natural rules. He advised his disciples to overcome any differences and lead a good life. He wanted his disciples to think in all directions and always think and act what is good for others. He never believed in earning wealth through short cut and never allowed to disciples also to do so. He wanted the disciples to earn money by effort and help others. It is very important to forgive others and as long as they realise that everything is going to end everything will be fine.

Spiritual and Practical Meaning


Swamiji’s words echoes with deep spiritual and practical meaning. His life is full of leelas which are spiritually very important for everyone. It is not that easy to understand his leelas and one has to dive deep to understand the meaning of each of his leelas. Swamiji believed that Work is Worship and endurance is one of the greatest assets. Swamiji believed and shared with his devotees that self-help is the best help and did not believe in yearning after any Siddhi. He believed in atmospheric purification and social reformation.