March 14, 2025

ShreeSwami Samarth was an accomplished Yogi and his behaviour was strange at times. Swamiji from Pandharpur proceeded towards Mangalwedhe. Swamiji but decided to stay in the forest nearby rather than staying in the forest. Swamiji sometimes behaved like a child (Balavritti) and at times like a mentally ill person (unmattavriti) and some times like a possessed soul (pishcchavritti). And when Swamiji visited the town he would sit in some dirty places. Swamiji was indifferent to good and bad, clean and dirty and no matter he was dressed or naked he was always in a state of bliss.

Recognise the Greatness

A great yogi may look like a madman to the ordinary people but there are people who can feel and recognise their greatness. In Mangalwedhe a Brahmin by name Krishnambhat Kapshikar recognised Swamiji as a great yogi and invited him to his house. The Brahmin knew that Swamiji was no ordinary person. Swamiji knew that Krishnambhat was a poor person and smiled but agreed to visit his house. Krishambhat came home and informed his wife about Swamiji and they felt very happy. Swamiji appeared on the front platform of his house all of a sudden and Krishnambhat prostrated in fornt of him. Swamiji asked him what they were giving Him to eat.

Krishnambhat and his wife stood there with watery eyes because there was nothing at home to eat. Swamiji insisted that he want somethingto eat as he was hungry. The couple went inside and Krishnambhat gave his wife a pot and told her to get some milk. The wife went out but could not get milk and they told Swamiji about this. Swamiji questioned them for going out when there was a cow at home. The cow had stopped giving milk and Swamiji adviced them on Self-relaisation and asked them to milk the cow. The cow started giving milk and the whole town knew about the greatness of Swamiji.


Swamiji performed many miracles in Mangalwedhe and Basappa who was a villager there saw Swamiji relaxing on a bed of throns in the forest. Basappa knew that he was a great yogi and became Swamiji’s devotee. Basappa ignored his wife and stayed with Swamiji. The wife who was starving fell ill. Swamiji one day took Basappa to the forest and showed him snakes and Basappa fell unconscious because of fright.   Swamiji told him to take as many snakes he wanted and Basappa readily agreed to be with his wife. Since he was afraid of snakes Basappa did not pick up any snakes but Swamiji tied one in a piece of clothand forced him to carry one. Basappa was stunned to see a piece of pure gold when he went and opened thepiece of cloth.