March 14, 2025

Shri Swami Samarth was a great sage and is Brahman in person. Swamiji never liked anybody being hypocrit and never liked pretence. Swamiji never wanted his devotees or anyone to be untruthful and never liked anyone who showed undesirable qualities. Swamiji was straight to criticise those who were not honest, no matter whether the person was rich or poor and king or common man. Swamiji wanted everyone to be devoted and he was totally fearless. One day the king of Akkalkot, Malojiraje Bhonsale came to visit Swamiji. The king came in his usual royal grandeur and he was wearing expensive jewellery and expensive clothes.

Against Exhibition of Wealth

Swamiji did not like a single bit of this and was dead against such exhibition of wealth. Swamiji was not afraid to show his dissent to people showed the undesirable qualities. The king, Malojiraje came near Swamiji to bow and kept his head on Swamiji’s feet, Swamiji slapped the king hard on the face and the decorated cap which he was wearing was thrown ten feet away. The king was shocked and stood in front os Swamiji rubbing his cheek. Swamiji was fuming and he shouted at the king. He said “You may be great in your house but why the greatness is brought here? I make chess kings like you everyday”.

Malojiraje understood the lesson taught by Swamiji and continued to visit Swamiji on every Thursday. The only difference was that he came in simple dress and the palanquin was kept far away, out of sight of Swamiji. Malojiraje’s visit to Swamiji had other worldly reasons. He wanted the blessings of Swamiji to get a son. At the time of the first delivery Swamiji was asked whether it is a boy or girl and Swamiji asked people to bring bangles. This indicated a daughter and it was a daughter. Second time when Swamiji was asked the same question Swamiji went and sat near the stove and it was a girl again. Third time when Swamiji was asked the question he said “Fire the cannon” and it was a son.

Spoke Less

Swamiji used to speak less and answered in short remarks using a mixture of Hindi and Marathi words. These mixtures of words were like riddles and it had tobe interpreted. It needed some practice to understand these one liners from Swamiji and devotees living in his company understood these deeds and sounds from Swamiji and they interpreted it and advised the visitors. The devotees who were regular visitors started understanding Swamijis remark on their own and received the blessing of the great sage.