Once, a Brahmin by the name Pandit, came to Lord Jaggannath Yatra which is the local chariot festival there. Pandit was a blind man by birth and was aware about the help Swamiji had done to Alavani Buva and three of his friends. Pandit devoted himself to Swamiji and prayed for the darshan of Swamiji through his own eyes. Pandit also strongly believed that Swamiji is the incarnation of Lord Dattatrey. When he met Swamiji he held the lotus feet of Swamiji tightly and refused toleave the legs. Pandit was crying when he was holding on the feet of Swamiji and His feet got wet because of the tears.
The Soft Touch
Swamiji being the great soul understood the situation and heard the cry of Pandit. Swamiji took off the garland of flowers from around his neck and three it towards Pandit. Pandit took the garland and with great devotion touched the eyes softly with the garland. With that soft touch Pandit gained his eyesight and grateful to Swamiji. Pandit later went back to his native village and started worshipping Swamiji till the end.
Swamiji had great appeal among people and his charisma was pleasant, abundant and rich. Swamiji words were like medicine for the patient even though He used to prescribe buffaloes urine, horse’s urine and different plant as the ultimate medicine. His devotees had full faith in Him and followed what Swamiji said and at the end of the day their diseases got cured. Just because he cured many devotees off their diseases it does not mean that he was a doctor. Swamiji was God Himself and curing the patients was not only the part of his work. According to Swamiji faith is the only way to survive in the battle of life and he made it a point to carve this in the minds of the people.
Own Style
It was quite difficult for the common man to understand the conduct of Swamiji and was also difficult for them to gain knowledge from Swamiji. Swamiji had his own style of prescribing medicine for different diseases and it did not make any sense for a qualified doctor. But it worked for the devotees. To a person suffering from asthma Swamiji ordered to roast sweet potatoes and eat. The person did exactly what Swamiji said and his asthma vanished forever. Such was the greatness of Swamiji. A qualified doctor, who is a common man, did not understand such medicines or treatments because Swamiji was much above all this.