March 14, 2025

Shri Swami Samarth after blessing Cholappa and giving him the padukas left the scene. Cholappa began worshipping the padukas regularly and the sick people around his house began to get dreams in which they were asked to go to Cholappa’s house where the padukas were kept. These padukas can be seen even today and it is being worshipped in the Cholappa Mutt at Akkalkot by the descendants of Cholappa. Swamiji soon became the member of the family and Cholappa could just manage to feed Swamiji and the family. Siince he was not a rich man the King gave a grant of five rupees monthly to Cholappa.

The Greedy Devotee

Cholappa started becoming greedy and startd fleecing the visitors of Swamiji. After some time a woman by the name Sunderabai came for Swamiji’s service and she started feeding Swamiji. Swamiji was like a kid and needed feeding like a child often and one person as needed to look after the comforts of Swamiji. This lady also became greedy for money and becamepowerful enough to remove Cholappa from the service of Swamiji through the help of the Queen of Akkalkot. Cholappa in the meantime accumulated wealth and was careless on his services to Swamiji.

One day Swamiji picked up a piece of cloth and put knots to make it a beggin bowl. Swamiji collected cash from the people and when he collected one hundred and twenty five rupees he called Cholappa and gave it to him saying that he does not owe Cholappa anything. Cholappa had accumulated cash materials worth sixty thousand rupees and one hundred and twenty five rupees was short to complete a round amount. Later on two policemen and a clerk started supervising and keeping account of the offerings and a committee was formed to overlook the procdure and the overall spendings. Cholappa and Sunderbhai lost their unique place in the ashram and were taken in as other sevkaris.

Against Greed for Wealth

Swamiji was dead against greedy people and Cholappa even though an ardent devotee of Swamiji had to take the back seat because of his greed for wealth. Swamiji did not even see Cholappa when he died because of the greed shown by Cholappa. Swamiji treated him like a son and when Cholappa died the sorrow on Swamiji face was seen clearly. The Queen asked Swamiji about the sorrow on his face and Swamiji replied that the sorrow was like the separation of persons who were and son for seven generations. Such was the relationship between Swamiji and Cholappa even though Swamiji considered Cholappa as greedy.