According to Swamiji, what has been sowed in the previous life has to be reaped in this life. Swamiji taught that even the Mahapurushas cannot escape karma or deha prarabdha. This cannot be done even if they had purified themselves completely by asceticism in the present life. Committing suicide or giving up life is not the way to escape from the sufferings, because after suicide things are going to get worse. All the unsettled accounts will disturb life after life and will increase the manifold with interest. According to Swamiji, one should have patience and nobody should be disturbed because of the physical illnesses and ailments.
Cleaning and Purifying Process
According to Swamiji there are much better things to do in life which are nobler and there are much better goals to achieve. There are some things in life which Swamiji knows but will not do anything to solve it because it is a cleaning and purifying process. Swamiji also says that the gold has to be put in fire and hammered on the plover before it removes all the dirt and attains purity and shines splendidly. This is the same way for human beings were the mind, heart and self of man is cleansed. Only after this cleaning the divinity in one can be brought out and he can be called a God’s child.
Swamiji was kind always to help his deserving devotees. There was a man called Laxman Koli and he was a fisherman who used to catch and sell fish. One day Laxman a ruthless sea storm stuck his ship and it started overturning. The moment he was in trouble he remembered and prayed to Swamiji. He begged to Swamiji to help him out from this tragedy. Swamiji suddenly stood up and said that he has to help Laxman and helped him out from the storm.
The Great Rescue
Dadasaheb Dhotre was a business man living in the city of Pune. His family still runs their wooden furniture manufacturing factory and the business has been going on for several generations. The family has been blessed by Swamiji. Dadasaheb when he was nine year old accidently fell into a well which was situated behind his ancestral home. The well was a huge one and was about 50 to 60 feet deep. It was in summer and the water was only knee deep which means the boy would hit the rocks in the bottom. Death was almost sure but Swamiji suddenly appeared at the bottom of the well and caught him and rescued him from an almost sure death.