March 17, 2025

Shri Swami Samarth told his devotees that they have been adopted by the Sadguru and each devotee should have unwavering trust and confidence in the Guru. He wanted his disciples not to disregard the entrance of the spiritual home. A Guru is always with the disciple whether he is in pain, happy, suffering or in pleasure. A Guru will do only what is best for the disciple and allows the Karmic events to happen. The Karmic event helps you to hasten the progress on the steps of spiritual growth. Swamiji advised his disciples to respect the siddhas of other faith or religion but at the same time should not disobey the advice of your own Guru.


Final Authority


A Sadguru is the final authority to judge the progress of his devotee’s travel towards the final goal. A Sadguru may test the faith of the devotee and also the concentration of your sublimation. As long as a disciple does not desert the Sadguru, He will not desert the disciple. Swamiji also says that every seeker should passionately and painstakingly follow the course of action of his own Sadguru and his spiritual lineage. So according to Swamiji, the Sadguru of each disciple is his guide and he should follow blindly the teaching of the Guru because he is the ultimate.


Cholappa was a disciple who had served Swamiji till his Mahasamadhi and was a loyal servant for Swamiji. Once Cholappa’s wife was stung by a scorpion and was restless because of pain. Swamiji used to stay in Cholappa’s house those days. Swamiji threw his shoe in front of Cholappa’s wife and asked her to put the scorpion stung hand inside his shoes. She put the hand inside the shoes and the pain vanished. But to her surprise, when she removed the hand from the shoe the pain surfaced again. So she put the hand inside the shoe the whole night and slept peacefully.


The Snake Bite

One Swamiji went to a village called Idagi which was nearby and he was accompanied by his disciples. On the way they took a halt in a Maruti Mandir. There was a devotee of Swamiji called Revanna in the nearby village and he was bitten by a snake while working in the field. Due to the snake bite he passed away and the people of the village brought the body of Revanna to Swamiji. One of the servant of Swamiji by name Baba Saheb Jadhav placed Swamiji’s shoes on dead Ravanna’s head. Swamiji was very angry and shouted at Baba Saheb. Swamiji asked Baba Saheb to call Ravanna by his name loudly and Baba Saheb did what Swamiji told him to do. Ravanna woke up and sat and the onlookers were totally surprised.