March 12, 2025

According to Shri Swami Samarth everything we deal will come to an end and realising this is very important and keeping this in mind people should work inexorably. Work by this divine soul is inspirational and his teaching have guided many in this world like a torch light and helped face obstacles in the journey of life. Swamiji’s conduct and demeanour itself is a great learning experience for all of us. Swamiji is omnipresent and could sense the past, present and future and was able to read even the secret thoughts in one’s mind. Swamiji understood the miseries of the common man and relieved many from their unhappiness and steered them on the right direction.


Swamiji believed in equality and accepted food from any devotee irrespective of their caste or social status. Through this gesture he promoted equality in the world. There are many other things to learn from this sacred soul. Swamiji is immense compassion and boundless bliss. Swamiji has the power to emit unalloyed love and his heart melts at the slightest hint of unconditional affection for God. As a devotee you get the opportunity to study a lot simply from looking at the life of this great soul. Swamiji’s complete behaviour is nothing but a miracle for his devotees.

Following Shri Swami Samarth means getting religious faith into God and understanding tatwas-gyan. Tatwas-gyan is the understanding of self, God, mind, body and karma. It helps to promote peace and happiness in others and in ourselves. Shri Swami Samarth’s teaching gained popularity when people started adopting different lifestyles and when they became self centric. People were going out from the pure spiritual thoughts and getting spoilt. People started believing that main the importance of living is material survival and that is the final aim in life. Swamiji taught his disciple’s that it is wrong and his teaching gave a new lease of life for the common man.

Human Sense Organs are not Enough

Swamiji taught his disciples that human sense organs are not enough to gain complete knowledge. Swamiji showed his disciples that spirituality was the way to lead life in a disciplined manner. Swamiji explained to his disciples that the knowledge gained through the human sense organs is limited. The day to day explorations and inventions like the atomic power etc is not the end and there are many inexplicable and endless things to explore and invent and this can be achieved only by following the teachings of the Maha Guru. If Swamiji’s teachings are approached keeping this in mind anybody will be happy and the life will be fulfilled.