March 7, 2025

There are various sources to the facts and history of Hinduism. People can get abundant information on Hinduism on the internet.  BBC provides information on the History of Hinduism, CNN on the facts of Hinduism, the Smithsonian Institution provides information on Basic Beliefs of Hinduism, while on there is information available on Hinduism as The World’s Third Largest Religion. At the Berkley Centre for Religion, Peace and World Affairs at the Georgetown University – information on Samsara : Religious Tolerance – Hinduism can be obtained.

As per Wikipedia, Hinduism is a way of life, dharma and religion in India. Hinduism has been practiced not only in India but also other regions of Southeast Asia. It is recognized as the oldest religion in the world and is referred to as eternal tradition – ‘Sanatana Dharma’ by some scholars and practitioners. Hinduism is also considered to be a synthesis or fusion of different traditions and cultures in India with no founder and diverse roots. After the Vedic period ended (1500 to 500 BCE), the ‘Hindu synthesis’ initiated between 500 BCE and 300 C.E. While Buddhism declined during the medieval period, Hinduism started flourishing.

Lots of sacred Hindu texts provide references and discussion on the concepts, Yoga, Vedic Yajna, mythology, philosophy, theology, rituals, sacred pilgrimage sites and lots more in Hinduism.