March 12, 2025

Shri Swami Samarth is one of the greatest sage who lived in the 19th century. Swamiji was known as “Chanchal Bharati” at Gimar. “Chanchal Bharati” means a wandering sadu or mendicant and has given the right direction for people who wanted help and guidance in the spiritual path. According to the Swamiji in order to attain spiritual progress one has to have Chitta Shuddhi or purity of heart. It can be attained only through devoted action without yearning for the fruit or end result. The duties are to be discharged without any selfish motives and it should be done as a part of worship.
Follow the Guru
Through devoted actions like this egoism disappears and the vision expands and the heart become generous and magnanimous. Once your mind is purified you must search for a Sadguru and surrender to him and serve him. Following the Guru and reflecting and considering deeply on the spiritual truths are the steps to be followed. This helps you remove the wrong disbeliefs and incorrect concepts totally from your mind. This helps you to remove ignorance from your mind.
According to Swamiji one has to understand the limitations of oneself and should not aim for unjustified spiritual knowledge. Each devotee should struggle to earn the adhikara which is the merit for what one can aspire for. One needs a tough and strict penance, a totally purified heart and genuine merit to achieve this. To achieve higher spiritual experiences one has to develop a purified heart and total detachment. Swamiji explains it simple words- How can the ordinary eyes which cannot even look at the gaze of Sun withstand the radiance of Brahman which has stunning brightness of billions of Sun put together.
Eternal Mother
According to Swamiji mother and son relationships are all temporary relationships and the mothers and fathers a person have in the precious lives are beyond all counts. There is only one Eternal Mother and you belong to her and she is the ultimate Mother. She is the Father and everyone else to you and all. Swamiji advises to develop attachments with this eternal Mother. Swamiji does not believe in his devotees developing any attachments to any other earthly physical relationships. The other earthly physical relationships are short lived and they are like bubbles which can burst at any moment. Swamiji wants his devotees to struggle for the eternal and lasting good and not for temporary pleasures and momentary gains.