In the village called Mangalwada there was boy by name Yavan. Yavan was the help for Shri Swami Samarth whenever he visited this village. Yavan was a strong devotee of Swamiji and used to give full service to Swamiji during his visit in Mangalwada. Apart from the servide to Swamiji, Yavan was known as good for nothing in the village. He never goes for any work and he used to ask for food in every house. This is how he used to manage his living. Yavan used to wander in the entire village wasting his time but when Swamiji is around he used to worship him without fail.
Hated Visitors
On one of the visits, Swamiji called and kept his right hand on Yavan’s forehead and proclaimed that henceforth he would become a saint. Swamiji also blessed him by saying that he would spread the knowledge of Lord to many people and he would also become one with the Lord. Yavan received complete realisation and left the village and moved in the direction of Pandharpur where he stayed on the banks of river Krishna. His knowledge about Lord was so deep people started visiting him from faraway places. Yavan became a great saint and when people used to visit him, he used to ask them to go away.
When people refused to go away, Yavan used to throw stones at them. But he threw stones at them in such a way that it never hit anyone. But the people experienced that if the stone threw by Yavan hit someone their wishes were fulfilled. So the people kept coming to meet Yavan and later Yavan took a Samadhi. Yavans name is mentioned in few of the Hindu Vedic scriptures. Shri Swami Samarth could convert a simple man to a man of divine spiritual powers with ease and also if they deserve. Not all could get spiritual blessing from Swamiji.
Offer Sincere Prayers
But there are many incidents where Swamiji has blessed the devotees who offer intense prayers. Any person who offers sincere prayers to Swamiji will get the benefits in the form of blessings and Swamiji who is God Himself has promised that He is always there with his devotees. One has to have extreme patience to earn the blessing s of Swamiji. Do not expect miracles to happen overnight and Swamiji should also understand one’s devotion to bless you. Like what Swamiji told one need not fear because He is always there with them.