February 23, 2025

Sri Swami Samarth is the incarnation of Lord Dattatreya and Swamiji chose to make a place called Akkalkot in Maharashtra as his abode for 22 years. He left his mortal body in 1878 in Akkalkot and he was also known as the Maharaj of Akalkot. Swamiji has been offering darshan to His devotees even today and this has been proven through the experiences the devotees had. Swamiji is the uncreated Creator and He is second to none. Swamiji is the Guru of Gurus or the teacher of all spiritual teacher (Gurunam Guru). Swamiji is the incarnation of the Supreme Consciousness or the ParaBrahman.

Immense Kindness and Eternal Bliss


Swamiji took the human form to award blessings and benedictions to all who came in contact with Him. Swamiji is immense kindness and eternal bliss and offer boundless ananda to His devotees. Swamiji offers true and pure love and Swamiji felt for people who showed unconditional devotion to God. Swamiji has the power to grant never ending supreme divine happiness to whoever He chooses. Swamiji wanted his devotees to surrender the ego in oneself and He offered conditional love to those devotees. Swamiji’s assurance is “Fear not, I am always with you “. Swamiji’s philosophy says “Harm no one, joy to everyone. Inside everyone, I am the only One”.


Swamiji felt that addiction to bad things is always harmful to society. Swamiji wanted everyone to follow the path of Truth, Religion and Justice. Swamiji always told his disciples to build dharmshala (accommodation for pilgrim travellers), wells and temples. Even when Indian society was sightless with blind faiths Swamiji’s thoughts were much advanced. Swamiji wanted his disciples to chant to make the mind strong and stay away from bad habits. According to Swamiji, Mind is an enormous power station. Swamiji had strong qualities like patience, tenderness and truth and the devotees should try and follow the advices given by Swamiji.

Knowledge of Everything

Swamiji never interfered in the natural rules even though he had knowledge of everything. If one can achieve this single quality of Swamiji that is enough to say one has lead an ideal and contented life. All religion say only one main thing which is make persistent efforts always. Swamiji wanted his devotees not to create violence at any cost and not to hurt others. Swamiji never wanted anyone to trust on big estates and posts because all these are temporary. Swamiji wanted his devotees to overcome any differences and lead a good life. Swamiji believed in welcoming the guests and gave them food and water and He wanted the disciples also to do the same. Always think in all directions and good for others.