Ganesha is also known as Ganapati, Pillaiyar and Vinayaka and is one of the most widely worshipped deities in the Hindu religion. Ganesha is widely worshipped in India, Nepal etc and people worship him regardless of the affiliations. Ganesha worship even extends to other religions like Jainism, Buddhism also. The Ashtavinayak deities, like the name suggests are eight and Siddhivinayak temple is the second in the list to be visited. Siddhivinayak deity is 3 feet in height and 2.5 feet wide and the idol is placed facing the north direction which is rather unusual for a temple. The stomach of the idol is not as wide as the regular Vinayaka deities. The Riddhi and Siddhi idols are sitting on one thigh of Siddhivinayaka. The trunk of the idol is turned to the right unlike other Ashtavinayaka deities and right sided trunk Siddhivinayaka is very strict for the devotees.
After pleasing Ganesha Vishnu is supposed to have conquered the asuras, Madhu and Kaitabh here. T o make one pradhakshina (one round around the temple) the devotee should take a round trip of the hillock. The temple is situated on a hillock and to make one trip round the hillock it takes about 30 minutes in normal speed. It is believed that the Peshwa general Haripant Phadake when he lost his General position did 21 Pradhakshina around the temple. On the 21st day the messenger from the Peshwa court came and took him to the royal in full honour. Haripant promised Ganesha that he will bring the stones of the castle from the first war he wins as General. Haripant later attacked Badami Castle and the stone pathway is built from the stones taken from the Badami Castle. So the offering of Pradhakshina is quite popular in this Siddhivinayak temple and people come is big numbers to get the blessings of Siddhivinayak.