October 22, 2024

Vishvamitra is also called Brahma Rishi Vishvamitra. In ancient India he is one of the most worshipped Sage or Rishi. In ancient India he was a king named Kaushik belonging to the Amavasu Dynasty. Originally, Vishvamitra was the King of Kanyakubja, as the Chandravanshi (Somavanshi). He was a strong warrior and Kusha King’s great grandson. Names of his children are Shakuntala, Shunahshepa, Madhuchhanda, Sushruta and Rajarshi Ashtaka.

The Gayatri Mantra and Mandala 3 or the Rigveda has mention of Vishvamitra as a near-diving being. Out of the 24 rishis mentioned it the Puranas, Vishvamitra is the first and foremost Rishi with the last one being Yajnavalkya. Vishvamitra’s story has been narrated in the Valmiki Ramayana. He is stated as a great and brilliant ruler, who ruled his kingdom for thousands of years.

According to the Puranas, Maharshi Vasistha owned Nandini (a cow who had power to give anything wished for). King Kaushika wanted to possess this wonderful cow, but Vasistha refused as she was owned only by the Devas. In anger the king attacked Vasistha however was defeated due to the powerful penance of the sage. Vamdeva however saved King Kaushika and told him it was Vasistha’s Brahmashakti that made him win. Now Kaushika tool wanted to become like the powerful Sage. Under the guidance of Vamdeva, Kaushika did penance and became Vishvamitra.

It is said that the Gayatri Mantra has been founded by Vishvamitra. He is also featured in various works of the Santana Dharma and in many legends. The Puranas too, mention stories of Vishvamitra. His birth has been narrated in the Mahabharata.