October 22, 2024

Yab Yum is a male deity. The name means ‘father-mother’ in the Tibetan terms. Yab Yum is a symbol commonly used in India, Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan. The deity is depicted with his female consort in union. Their union symbolizes primordial union of compassion and wisdom is represented by the male deity who is shown in union with his female consort. While insight is represented by his female consort,

Yab Yum as a male deity represents skillful means (upaya-kausalya) and compassion (karuna). In the case of Yab Yum representation, the female consort is seen seated on the lap of the male. On the other hand, in the case of Yum-Yab representation, the male deity is depicted as sitting on the lap of the female consort.

Yab Yum is correlated with the Anuttarayoga Tantra. In twilight language, symbolism of Yab Yum is interpreted with the female figure being linked to Prajna (wisdom) while the male partner linked to Upaya-kausalya (skillful means) and Karuna (compassion).

In Buddhism religion, the masculine figure representing skillful means and compassion is active and to attain enlightenment, it has to be developed. In Buddhism the female figure represents Prajna (wisdom) and is passive which is very much essential for enlightenment. The veils of Maya have to be overcome for union to necessitate.

Yam Yum figures are presented in the form of paintings on thangkas, or as reliefs or in the shape of statues. The mandala and yantra aniconically signified to represent the Yab Yum.

The meaning of Yab Yum in Hinduism is a bit different. The divine strength of creation is represented in the embraced posture. The masculine deity is passive and embraces Shakti, his spouse to represent his power or activity.